Artemis team holding giant check

The CHS Robotics Team, Artemis, competed at the FIRST Finger Lakes (Rochester) and FIRST Tech Valley (Albany) regionals during the month of March and brought home several awards. There were well over 1000 students representing teams from across the state and around the world competing in these events.

Chatham High School’s Reed Fisch, as safety captain, accepted the Safety Award on behalf of his team. Teams nominate each other for this award and Artemis received the most nominations based on their demonstrated safety around the robot and in the pit, and also their gracious professionalism in lending a helping hand or parts to other teams during the competition. 

Artemis also won the Creativity Award, sponsored by Rockwell Automation, which celebrates creativity that deliberately enhances strategy of play. “We researched and found an alternative material to design and construct our own rollers instead of purchasing sushi roll wheels for $5 each. These rollers made up the intake mechanism we used and they worked perfectly,” explained CHS science teacher and team coadvisor Sandy Fischer. “We were the only team with this technology, but expect that teams will be following suit in the years to come.” 

Artemis team holding award plaquesThe biggest achievement, however, was Chatham’s Eion Henchey being named a Dean’s List Finalist based on his contributions and impact on others while exemplifying leadership and commitment to the team and community. With this award, Eion earned an invitation to the World Championships in Houston, TX on April 17-20 and will be one of 165 students from all over the world vying to be one of the 10 winners announced at the special luncheon attended by Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST and inventor of the Segway, the first insulin pump, and a wheelchair capable of climbing stairs. The Dean’s List is recognized by top engineering schools and gives students a competitive edge when applying to college. 

“Eion will be heading to Texas on Thursday for the weekend and we can't be more proud. We are small but mighty and are continually pushing to achieve more,” Mrs. Fischer remarked.

young man holding Dean's List award