Sports physicals will be offered on Wednesday, August 24 on an interest basis. This is by sign-up only. If you are in need of a physical and want to sign up please email CHS school nurses Val Persons at or CMS school nurse Kate Juliano at Time slots are offered on a first come, first served basis.
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Apply for Free & Reduced Meals! During the pandemic, the USDA ensured that all schools were able to offer free meals to all students. However, this universal reimbursement expired on June 30, 2022. Chatham CSD will return to charging for meals and offering an opportunity for families to apply for free or reduced meals for our students. The application is available on our Food Services page at and we request that all families fill out and return, regardless of free/reduced status. Information from all households aids in the District’s opportunity to apply for more federal/state funding to provide your child the tools they need for their education. Here are a few things to know about filling out the free/reduced meal application: 1) They are kept completely confidential! No one but the Food Service Supervisor sees the application and they are kept in a locked cabinet in a locked office. 2) They are available all year long and can be filled out at any time. Once approved you are approved for the whole school year. 3) On the serving lines we don’t use the words free or reduced. We treat all students as if they are a paying student. No student is singled out. 4) The more free/reduced students we have in the District, the more federal and state reimbursement we receive, which helps us to keep the program running. The biggest reason to apply is that it helps you, the families. It allows you to not worry about the rising cost of food and gas, going to the store to buy lunch items, and the time it takes to make meals. Let us do that for you!
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Sign ups for fall modified sports begin July 25!
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
APP Test - For any seventh or eighth grade student who is interested in trying out for a high school level sport this fall, the Athletic Placement Process (APP) test will be given at 10:00 a.m. on August 10, 2022. Please meet in the High School lobby.
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Attention fall athletes: sports physicals are August 10 starting at 8:30 a.m. in the CHS nurse's office, no appointment is necessary. This is the only date sports physicals will be offered at school before fall sports begin.
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Chatham Panthers Softball Camp July 5– 8, 2022 for ages 7–12. Learn the fundamentals of softball from Chatham Panthers coaches & players. For more information and to register, follow this link:
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Chatham’s 8th Grade Moving Up is 6:00 p.m. tonight, June 17, on the High School football field! We will also be live streaming the event on our Facebook page The stream will be up a few minutes before the start of the ceremony. Congratulations to our Class of 2026!
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
The Chatham CSD Music Department hosts our annual Music in the Park community concert this Thursday, June 9, 6:00 p.m. on the lawn near the Chatham High School gym. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy some lively music performed by ensembles from Chatham High School and Chatham Middle School. This event is free and open to the entire community. Hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream and soda are available for purchase. Music in the Park takes place rain or shine; in the event of rain the concert will move into the CHS gym.
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
8th grade families - please share pictures of your graduating student for our 8th Grade Moving-Up Slide Show. Pictures from anytime during your child’s school career may be included. You can email them to Ms. O’Neill ( at the Middle School. You can also drop off pictures at the front desk. Please include your child’s name on them. All pictures must be submitted by June 3!
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
We are experiencing intermittent phone difficulties at Chatham Middle School and our Bus Garage. While these buildings can make and receive phone calls, the call quality is very poor. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to get the issue addressed as soon as possible.
over 2 years ago, Chatham CSD
Calendar Update: All CCSD schools and offices will be closed on Friday, May 27, 2022. We are modifying the calendar because we do not anticipate needing all of the emergency closing days that were planned for the 2021-2022 school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s school office. Please be sure to update your calendars with this change!
almost 3 years ago, Adam Charbonneau
​Arbor Day Slide Show 2022 - It's that time of the year to send your school related pictures to Mrs. Metrando for the annual slide show! Pictures can be emailed to Mrs. Metrando ( or placed in Mrs. Metrando’s mailbox. Please put your name and homeroom on the back of the photo so it can be returned. We are looking for pictures of Chatham Middle School students from sports, play productions, Queen of Hearts dance, etc. Please make sure that all pictures are school appropriate. All pictures need to be turned in to Mrs. Metrando by May 13, 2022, to be included in the slide show! No pictures will be accepted after Friday, May 13th!!
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Yearbooks are on sale until April 29, 2022! The cost is $18.00. Go to to order online. School Code is: 2188522. There will only be a limited amount of yearbooks to purchase if you don’t preorder online!
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Dear Parents, this Tuesday and Wednesday, March 29th and March 30th, we will be administering the State Assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) in grades 3-8. We want to share how we use this data in school. As part of our Academic Intervention Service (AIS) process at Chatham, we use multiple measures to identify if a student should receive AIS services. These measures include diagnostic testing, state test results, and teacher input. The state test results help us look at gaps in instruction over time and show how our students are doing on particular standards. We analyze these results and make necessary academic changes where needed. The state assessment scores are not tied to teacher APPR or used as a determination of whether your child moves on to the next grade. If you do choose to opt your child out of state assessments they are still required to come to school as they would on a regular school day. Students who choose to opt-out will go to an opt room in their respective building and silently read or work on other ELA and math activities. Please feel free to reach out to one of us with any questions or concerns regarding state assessments. Thank you. Sincerely, Mike Burns - Co-Principal 6-12
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Dear Eighth Grade Families, The Sophomore Class at Chatham High School will sponsor the annual “Queen of Hearts” Dance on Friday, April 29, 2022, for the eighth graders. The dance will be held in the Middle School gymnasium from 7:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Tickets will cost $10.00 each and will be available at the door. The cost of refreshments is included. Students are not permitted to bring their own food or drink. Suggested appropriate attire includes dress pants, collared shirt, dress, or more formal attire. Students are discouraged from renting tuxedos or wearing long gowns. The evening will be highlighted by the “Coronation” which will take place at approximately 9:15 p.m. Families are invited to attend the coronation between 9:00-9:30 p.m. Please enter through the Middle School gym. Only students with signed permission slips on file will be permitted to attend. Students may not leave the dance before 9:00 p.m. unless prior arrangements have been made with the school. Students must be in attendance at school on Friday, April 29th in order to attend. Only Chatham Middle School students and the Sophomore Class Dance Committee members may attend. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the class advisors. Sincerely, Carol Williams - & Kerri Martin - : Class Advisors of 2024
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Our 3rd mandatory bus drill at CHS & CMS, originally scheduled for March 8, has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 24. CHS will dismiss all students early at 2:20 p.m. CMS will dismiss students at the regular time. Please be sure to update your calendars!
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Transition News! 8th grade students and families will be meeting individually with counselors Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. Lombardi and Mrs. Carroll all next week. Students will choose their classes for 9th grade and discuss their high school program and experience. Appointments were sent home in the mail - we look forward to seeing you for your appointment.
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
All CCSD after-school activities are canceled for today, Wednesday, March 9, 2022, due to the winter weather.
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
March 8, 2022: Out of an abundance of caution, all Chatham Central schools are exercising a lockout for the remainder of the school day. There is no threat and students were never in any danger. The lockout is due to an empty shell casing found on the MED playground this afternoon. Police have investigated and found no credible threat. As a precaution, outside activities are suspended until time of dismissal, indoor activities will continue as normal. After-school activities will be held as normal.
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD
Enjoy the Winter Break! Classes resume Monday, February 28.
almost 3 years ago, Chatham CSD