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Danielle Perdue
M/S Teaching Assistant
518.392.2400 ext. 2028
Megan Perry
M/S Science
518.392.2400 ext. 2046
Gordon Proper
M/S Custodian
518.392.2400 ext. 2032
Cassondra Quickenton
M/S Sr. Food Service Helper
518.392.2400 ext. 2082
Jessica Richard
M/S English 6th Grade
518.392.2400 ext. 2029
William Richard
M/S Social Studies Grade 7
518.392.2400 ext. 2041
Kimberly Richter
M/S AIS Literacy
518.392.2400 ext. 2017
Michelle Rideout
M/S Teacher Aide/Receptionist
518.392.2400 ext. 2068
Amanda Rustick
M/S Clerk Typist - Guidance Office
518.392.2400 ext. 2005
Patricia Smith
HS/MS Reading
518.392.2400 ext. 2057
Emily Spina
M/S English
518.392.2400 ext. 2040
Michael Stead
M/S Assistant Principal
518.392.2400 ext. 2004
Margaret Thorsen
M/S Life Skills
518.392.2400 ext. 2044
Lisa Toomey
District Speech
518.392.2400 ext. 3061
Patricia Velez
518.392.2400 ext. 2043
Pamela Verenazi
M/S Secretary I
518.392.2400 ext. 2002
Susan Wallace
M/S T. Assistant
518.392.2400 ext. 2057
Bethany Wallace
M/S 6th Grade Math
518.392.2400 ext. 2028
Chelsea Welch
M/S T. Aide
518.392.2400 ext. 2044
Zachary Wilkinson
M/S Cleaner
Buildings & Grounds
518.392.2400 Ext. 2032