Spirit week flyer

Spirit Week is to support everyone who has ever felt bullied. At CMS, we make a commitment to stomp out bullying. We will have a contest for whichever homeroom has the highest level of participation. The homeroom will win a pizza party!

  • Tuesday is formal wear versus comfy wear. For example, you can wear a prom dress or suit and tie or pajamas, a robe, or slippers.
  • Wednesday is tropical/floral versus Winter flannels. For example, you can dress with floral tops & pants or a winter sweater, a hat, a scarf, and flannels.
  • Thursday is a unique day as you can either dress as the past or the future. Each grade or homeroom can choose a decade if they would like! Like the 70s disco era. Or for future, you can dress as a possible career you would like to do.
  • Friday is celebrate with celebrities day! Each homeroom or grade or group of students can choose a theme like movies, Famous Athletes, or characters from Harry Potter. Have fun with all of the spirit and good luck!