Chatham High School

Hello Families of Chatham 8th Graders,

The Chatham High School faculty and staff are looking forward to meeting you and working with your students throughout their high school years. On Thursday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m., we will be hosting a 9th Grade Orientation for 8th graders and their families. This event will be held at Chatham High School. The evening will be an open house format, where you will be able to walk around the building, see classrooms, and meet the teachers who may be working with your students in 9th grade.

Teachers have created videos that will provide you with subject-specific information regarding course options for 9th graders. It may be helpful to watch these prior to the orientation, so that you can ask any questions you may have at that time.

We hope you find the videos, orientation, and other upcoming 8th to 9th grade transition activities helpful.

If you have any questions, please contact the CHS Guidance Office at 518-392-1575.

9th Grade Orientation Packet

9th Grade Program Planning Accessible

Teacher Videos



Computer Science





Social Studies

